My Services

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Since 2006, I have provided patients a wide range of psychological and counseling services to suit their needs.  My therapy sessions are designed to strengthen your confidence, and assist you in the healing process.

Infidelity/Affair Recovery

I understand the profound impact of infidelity and the complex emotions that come with it. If you or your partner have been affected by an affair, know that you are not alone. My affair recovery therapy services are here to provide support, guidance, and a safe space for healing.


I believe that working through unresolved trauma plays an important role in your healing. I have been trained in EMDR as well as Brainspotting to help work through these issues. Research shows that both of these techniques increase the rate of healing as well as increase the long-last effects of moving beyond the past.

Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal trauma therapy is a specialized form of counseling designed to help individuals who have experienced betrayal trauma, often in the context of a close relationship. This type of therapy aims to address the emotional, psychological, and relational impact of betrayal, such as infidelity, abuse, or other forms of deception or breach of trust.

Individual Therapy

In my therapy sessions, we’ll work to solve current problems and improve positive thinking and behavior. I will help you “re-frame” your reactions and provide you with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles. I’m confident you’ll find my personalized individual therapy beneficial and inspirational.

I have helped many people work through issues around depression, anxiety, relationship issues and many other concerns. I specialize in treating complex trauma and moving forward. Get in touch to book an appointment.

Inspirational Quotes

You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.

Don't wait to get the help you need

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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